The list below shows all Scottish Clans that will be represented at the Edinburgh Gathering during the Homecoming Scotland 2009 Festival Event on July 25-26th 2009.
Agnew, Armstrong, Arthur, Baillie, Baird, Barclay, Bell, Blair, Borthwick, Boyd, Brodie, Broun, Bruce, Buchanan, Burnett,Cameron, Campbell, Carmichael, Chattan, Cochrane, Colquhoun, Crawford, Crichton, Cumming, Cunningham, Currie, Davidson, Dewar, Doig, Donald, Donnachaidh, Douglas,Dunbar, Duncan, Durie, Eliott,
Erskine, Farquharson, Fergusson, Forbes, Fraser,Gordon, Graham, Grant, Grewar, Gunn, Hall, Hannay, Hay, Henderson, Herd, Home Hunter, Irvine, Jardine, Keith, Kennedy, Kerr, Kincaid, Lamont, Leslie, Lindsay, Livingstone, Lockhart, Lumsden, Macalister, MacAlpine, Macaulay,Macbain, Macdonald,Macdougall, Macdowall, Macduff, MacEwen, Macfarlane, Macfie, Macgregor, MacInnes,Macintyre, MacIver,Mackay, Mackenzie, Mackinnon, Mackintosh, Maclaine,Maclaren, MacLea, Maclean, Maclennan, Macleod, Macmillan, Macnab, Macnaghten, MacNeil, Macpherson, Macrae, MacTavish, Macthomas, Maitland, Malcolm, Marjoribanks, Matheson, Maxwell, McCallum, McKerrell, McVicar, Moffat, Moncreiffe, Montgomery, Morrison, Napier, Nesbitt,Oliphant, Paisley, Pitcairn, Ramsay, Ranald of Lochbhair, Rollo, Rose, Ross, Scott, Sempill,Sinclair, Skene,St Andrew's Society of Singapore, Stewart, Stewartby, Strachan, Strange, Stuart of Bute, Sutherland,Trotter, Turnbull, Ulster Scots, Urquhart, Wardlaw, Wilson of Kilwinnet, Wood.
If your Clan has confirmed their presence at this event but is not listed above, please reply on this Blogger and once we have confirmed they are indeed joining the celebrations we will add your clan name to this growing list?
Is it news to you? Then you read it here first!
RE: Clann Muir
We have had problems getting our tent application to the right party. We just yesterday found out about it.
We will be represented there.
Jann Muir
Guardian Clann Muir
Hello Jann,
We are very sorry to hear your having proplems, as official Homecoming Scotland 2009 Internet promoters we will ofcourse pass your concerns on to our Homecoming Scotland Officials and to get hopefully a quick response for both yourself and your famous and well respected Clan.
Please let us know how you get on and if you or anyone else needs our help in any regards relating to this Homecoming Scotland 2009 Festival Event?
Kind regards,
Homecoming Scotland Blog Team.
Hello Jann,
update today 27th October 2008.
We have passed on to the relevant parties and a copy of your thread.
We would advise you contacting them but please do it quickly as the closing date is 31st October but as your application was in before this time it may help?
You may already have visited;
where you will find the application form, it also has detailed directives for your help.
Good luck!
Thank you all for your speedy assistance. All is taken care of, we are on our way.
See you at the Gathering 2009!
Jann Muir
Guardian Clan Muir
Hi! Jann,
we are so happy you have sorted out your Clan Muir Tent for the big occasion.
For yourself and anyone reading this you may be interested in these numbers;
For overseas visitors to Scotland, please note this number is for anytime whether it be the Homecoming Scotland 2009 or whenever;
0044 1506 832121 where you will get through to VisitScotland who will help advise on accommodation and travel.
Again this number for U.K. travelers 0845 2255121 at any time whether it be the Homecoming Scotland 2009 or whenever the number will again get you to VisitScotland who will advise on accommodation and travel etc...
Good luck Jann on your Homecoming visit, it promises to be something very special.
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